Full Description
How would you like to create your own hot-selling Information Product without having to write from scratch (or a single word)? Do you love the idea of advertising your business through viral-spreading article marketing – even if you hate writing?
Creating your own information and content can be time- and effort-consuming in the long run it can be counter-productive instead.
With These Articles, You Can:
Edit the articles and include your resource box with links pointing to your web site,
Compile brand new eBooks and special reports from these articles or even add content to your newsletter/eZine,
You can Resell the source Private Label Rights! Your customers can also in turn resell the Private Label Rights to the article packages if you want them to have the rights to do so. You can resell the Private Label article packages individually or all of them together!
Now Introducing The Big Private Label Article Pack. Number of items for each category:
After School Activities 26
Baby 10
Blogging 25
Car Rental 10
Car Stereo 10
Cell Phone 10
Cigars 25
Coin Collecting 50
Credit Card 10
Depression 10
Diamonds 25
Digital Camera 10
eZine Marketing 20
Family Budget 50
Fishing 50
Forex 10
Gambling 60
Gardening 25
Golf 10
Google Sense 32
Home Schooling 25
Home Theater 10
Affiliate Marketers 10
Articles Marketing 35
Opt-in list 10
Job Search 50
Making Money With Articles 22
Newport Beach 25
New York 10
Paint Ball 50
Podcasting 25
San Diego 25
Scotch 25
Ski vacations 25
Sports Car 50
Web Design 15
Web Traffic 10
TOTAL: 900 Articles
[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[Yes] Can be used as web content
[Yes] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights
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